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mapbuilder-lib is a browser based web mapping client for Open GIS Services.
Uses don't need to download software or browser pluggins to use mapbuilder-lib. Once downloaded, user actions are processed quickly - there is no [refresh map] button to rebuild map images on the server.
- Browser based client.
- Browsers supported: Internet Explorer 6+, Mozilla 1.3+, Netscape 6+.
- Fast client side responses.
- Configurable web sites.
- Open Source under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Specific clients:
- WMS Map Viewer.
- WMS Time Series Map Viewer.
- Geographic Feature Viewer (using GML and/or WFS technologies)
- Geographic Feature editor and upload to a web based geographic database (WFS-T).
- Web Map Context editor (used to build layers in a map)
Available Widgets:
Open GIS Standards supported:
- Web Map Service (WMS) client
- Time Series Web Map Service (WMS) client
- Web Map Context (WMC) client
- Web Feature Service (WFS) client
- Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) client
- Geographic Markup Language rendering
Technical Specs:
- Modular design means that extra functionality is easily incorporated.
- The code is written in Object Oriented Javascript and XSL with some servers scripts - you can pick PHP or JSP versions of the scripts.
mapbuilder-lib is open source, released under the GNU General Public License and is owned jointly by the Community Mapbuilder Project Committee (PMC) members.