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openModeller is an open source static spatial distribution modelling tool developed by CRIA as part of the speciesLink project (funded by Fapesp, the State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation). It is being used to predict species distribution (fundamental niche).

Models are generated by an algorithm that receives as input a set of occurrence points (latitude/longitude) and a set of environmental layer files. It's being written in C++ ANSI with platform independence in mind. It accepts different algorithms (now Bioclim and simple cartesian distance algorithms, but in the near future GARP, Climate Space Model, GAM, GLM, Neural Nets, etc). It uses GDAL to read several map file formats and proj4 to convert between different georeferential systems and projections. A client-server architecture will be used as a first approach, enabling the existence of different client interfaces (desktop, command line and web based). In the future some tasks could be performed in a distributed way, including the possibility of running separately the algorithms in remote cluster machines.